Galerie Thomas
Tuerkenstrasse 1680333 MunichGermany
Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 6pmSaturday: 10am – 6pm
"Touching", 1952
Inquire Details
"Untitled", 2006
€ 9.400,00
"The Construction Workers" (Final Version)", 1950/ 1993
"Fenster" (2008-17-01), 2008
"J.M.W.Turner Lucerne from the Lake, 1842", 2014/2015
"Untitled (Light through Curtain)", 2022
€ 6.800,00
"Restored Spalls", 2023
"Untitled", 1960
€ 8.000,00
"Rembrandt - Vermeer", 1964
€ 5.750,00
"Aquatint I", 1973
€ 9.000,00
"Bowl Object", 1984
"Twilight", 1950
"12 Neon Tubes, 4 Transformers, 4 Electric Flashers", 1977
€ 8.400,00
"Flower Motif", 1967 (plaster) /1969 (lifetime cast)
€ 58.000,00
"The Mill Tower", 1977
"Die Formen sind im Kopf", 1969-1990
€ 5.400,00
"polypogon K6", 2007
€ 11.000,00
"Boy with Cat", 1919
"Melon Leaf (Feuille de Melon)", 1965-66
"Nu assis", not dated
"Spirale", 2002
"Cupule (Spread)", 1979
"Hat die Zukunft Einfluss auf die Vergangenheit? 12 (Nach Wheelers Paradoxon)", 2023
€ 820,00
"Fingrars väsen (Klocka)", 2022
€ 4.200,00
"Isfahan", 3.3.1999
"Vor Ostern", 1966
"Apfelstilleben" (Still Life with Apples), 1904/05
"Suite Zirkulationszeit - Urschlitten 2", 1982
€ 2.550,00
"Magnetic Rubbish", 1975
€ 2.650,00
"Hanging Lens", 1980
€ 18.500,00
"Farbformen und Strukturen", 1953
"Cumparsitas", 1977
"Chaise", c. 1977
"Grille se déformant", 1966